Top 15 Best Corporate Video Examples That Wow and Inspire

What is Corporate Video?

A corporate video is made by an organization or business with the primary goal of promoting its culture, goods, services, or brand. Unlike traditional commercials that are often aimed at a broad consumer audience, corporate videos are usually targeted at a specific audience, such as potential clients, investors, employees, or stakeholders.

Purpose of Corporate Videos

  • Brand Awareness: To introduce and establish a brand in the minds of potential customers or clients.
  • Engagement: To emotionally connect with the audience and establish a relationship with the company or brand.
  • Education: To inform and educate viewers about the company, its products, or its services.
  • Persuasion: To persuade the target audience to take action, such as buying a product, investing in the company, or applying for a job.

Benefits of Corporate Videos

  • Versatility: Business films may be utilized on a variety of websites, social media accounts, email campaigns, presentations, and more.
  • Higher Engagement: Videos tend to capture attention and engage viewers more effectively than text or images alone.
  • Enhanced Communication: Videos can convey complex information in a more straightforward, visual, and engaging manner.
  • Brand Personality: They allow companies to showcase their personality, culture, and values, making them more relatable to the audience.
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Videos can improve a company’s SEO, as they often lead to increased time on site and engagement metrics, which are favorable to search engine algorithms.

Corporate videos have become a crucial part of modern marketing and communication strategies. 82% of all internet traffic is predicted to consist of video by 2025 (Cisco), and 54% of customers want to see more video content from marketers (HubSpot). Notably, 83% of marketers report a good ROI from video content (Wyzowl), and 81% of people have been convinced to buy a product after watching a brand’s video (HubSpot). Videos also significantly impact engagement, with 93% of businesses gaining new customers through social media videos (Wyzowl) and 70% of B2B marketers noting increased conversion rates (MarketingProfs). Additionally, 76% of employees find video aids in understanding their job better (BITE), emphasizing its value for both external marketing and internal communication.

In today’s digital world, corporate videos have evolved into powerful tools for storytelling and brand engagement. Gone are the days when corporate videos were just about sharing company information. Now, they are creative masterpieces that connect with audiences emotionally and visually. Let’s take a look at some of the best corporate video examples in the modern age that have left a lasting impact.

Apple – "Shot on iPhone" Campaign

The "Shot on iPhone" campaign from Apple is one of the greatest corporate video examples ever. It showcases the exceptional capabilities of the iPhone’s camera through stunning user-generated content. By featuring breathtaking videos and photos captured by everyday users, this corporate video example highlights the quality of Apple’s technology while celebrating creativity and community.

The campaign features a diverse collection of breathtaking images and videos captured by iPhone users from around the world. Each piece of content is displayed with a brief credit to the creator, emphasizing that these extraordinary visuals were made using an iPhone. The campaign spans various media, including social media posts, advertisements, and billboards, and often includes themes like landscapes, portraits, and everyday moments.

Why It Works:

  • Highlights product features through real-life examples.
  • Engages users by showcasing their content, fostering a sense of community.
  • Encourages creativity, appealing to a broad audience.

Nike – "You Can't Stop Us"

Nike’s "You Can’t Stop Us" video is a compelling corporate video example that employs a split-screen technique to celebrate resilience and unity in sports and society. This greatest corporate film is a wonderful fit with Nike's mission of pushing the envelope and aiming high.

The video employs a striking split-screen visual technique, juxtaposing footage of athletes engaged in different sports and activities. Each split-screen segment highlights moments of struggle, triumph, and perseverance, drawing connections between seemingly disparate events and athletes. The seamless transitions and mirrored actions emphasize the common thread of determination and unity that runs through all sports and societal challenges.

Why It Works:

  • Visually engaging with a creative split-screen format.
  • Strong, motivational messaging that resonates on a personal and societal level.

Dove – "Courage is Beautiful"

Dove’s "Courage is Beautiful" video is a touching best corporate video that highlights the bravery of healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. By showcasing the physical and emotional marks left by PPE, this corporate video example aligns with Dove’s commitment to redefining beauty and celebrating inner strength.

The video opens with powerful and close-up shots of healthcare workers who have spent long hours battling the pandemic. Their faces are marked by the impressions left by masks and PPE, revealing the physical toll of their tireless work. The video uses these images to showcase the true essence of beauty and heroism—emphasizing that real beauty is defined by the strength and dedication of these individuals, rather than conventional standards of appearance.

Why It Works:

  • Emotionally powerful and timely, resonating with current global issues.
  • Supports the company’s continued dedication to genuine beauty.
  • Humanizes the brand by focusing on real people and stories.

Slack – "So Yeah, We Tried Slack"

Slack’s "So Yeah, We Tried Slack" humorously addresses common workplace communication issues. This best corporate video blends humor with practical examples to demonstrate Slack’s value, making it both memorable and relatable.

The video opens with a series of comedic and exaggerated scenarios depicting common workplace communication problems, such as disorganized emails, missed messages, and chaotic meetings. Each scenario is presented in a humorous light, showing the frustrations and inefficiencies that arise from traditional communication methods.

Why It Works:

  • Uses humor to engage viewers and make the content memorable.
  • Clearly demonstrates the product’s value proposition.
  • Targets common pain points, making the solution relatable.

Airbnb – "Made Possible by Hosts"

Airbnb’s "Belong Anywhere" video series is a heartwarming corporate video example that highlights the deep connections between hosts and guests. By showcasing personal and emotional stories, this best corporate video reinforces Airbnb’s message of creating a sense of belonging.

The video series features a collection of personal and touching stories from Airbnb hosts and guests around the world. Each video highlights unique and memorable experiences, such as a host welcoming a traveler into their home and sharing local culture, or a guest finding unexpected friendships during their stay. The stories are presented in a way that emphasizes the emotional and personal connections made through Airbnb.

Why It Works:

  • Focuses on storytelling, making the content engaging and relatable.
  • Humanizes the brand by highlighting personal stories.
  • Emphasizes the community aspect, reinforcing the brand message.

Microsoft's Super Bowl commercial, "We All Win"

Microsoft’s "We All Win" ad shines a spotlight on the Xbox Adaptive Controller, featuring children with disabilities. This best corporate video focuses on inclusivity and demonstrates how technology can enhance accessibility, reinforcing Microsoft’s commitment to empowering all users.

The corporate video opens with scenes of children with various disabilities interacting with the Xbox Adaptive Controller, a device designed to make gaming more accessible. It showcases these children engaging with video games, highlighting how the adaptive controller's customizable buttons and switches allow for a more inclusive gaming experience. The video focuses on their joy and excitement as they play, emphasizing the controller's impact on their gaming experience.

Why It Works:

  • Powerful storytelling with a focus on inclusivity.
  • Demonstrates the brand’s commitment to social issues.
  • Inspires viewers by showcasing how technology can improve lives.

LEGO – "Rebuild the World"

LEGO’s "Rebuild the World" corporate video example captures the spirit of creativity and innovation. This best corporate video example showcases the imaginative potential of LEGO bricks through engaging visuals and playful narratives.

This advertisement video opens with vibrant, dynamic visuals that transport viewers into a fantastical world built entirely from LEGO bricks. It presents a series of whimsical scenes where characters and environments are created and transformed using LEGO’s signature building blocks. Each scene is carefully crafted to demonstrate the versatility of LEGO bricks and the endless creative opportunities they provide.

Why It Works:

  • Visually stimulating and creative, aligning with the brand’s core values.
  • Encourages creativity, appealing to both children and adults.
  • Strengthens the eternal appeal and adaptability of LEGO goods.

Samsung – "The Future of Exynos"

Samsung’s "The Future of Exynos" video highlights the innovation behind its Exynos processors. This corporate video example blends cutting-edge technology with a futuristic narrative, presenting Samsung’s tech in a sophisticated and engaging manner.

The video opens with a sleek and futuristic visual aesthetic, immediately immersing viewers in a high-tech environment. It uses dynamic graphics and animations to illustrate the advanced features and performance capabilities of the Exynos processors. The narrative weaves through various scenarios and applications, demonstrating how these processors enhance devices and deliver superior performance.

Why It Works:

  • Focuses on product innovation, appealing to tech-savvy audiences.
  • Uses sleek and modern visuals to convey a futuristic feel.
  • Aligns with the brand’s image as a leader in technology.

Google – "Loretta" (Super Bowl Ad)

Google’s "Loretta" video is an emotionally charged best corporate video that showcases Google Assistant’s AI capabilities while highlighting the connection between users and technology. The touching narrative demonstrates the positive impact of technology on personal experiences.

The video begins with a heartfelt scene of an elderly man interacting with his Google Assistant. He uses the voice-activated AI to recall and relive moments with his late wife, Loretta. The story unfolds as he asks Google Assistant to share memories, photos, and stories about Loretta, highlighting how technology can help keep loved ones’ memories alive.

Why It Works:

  • Emotionally charged storytelling that resonates with viewers.
  • Demonstrates product functionality in a personal context.
  • Highlights the positive impact of technology on daily life

"We're Never Lost If We Can Find Each Other" by Facebook

Facebook’s "We're Never Lost If We Can Find Each Other" video demonstrates the role of Facebook in maintaining connections during the pandemic. This best corporate video reinforces the brand’s commitment to supporting community and communication.

The video opens with a series of heartwarming and relatable scenes depicting people using Facebook’s various features to stay connected with loved ones despite physical separation. It showcases virtual gatherings, messages of support, and shared moments, illustrating the importance of maintaining relationships and community through digital means.

Why It Works:

  • Timely and relevant, addressing current global issues.
  • Emphasizes the brand’s role in fostering connections.
  • Uses real stories and footage, making the message authentic

Heineken – "When You Drive, Never Drink"

Amazon’s "Before Alexa" ad humorously imagines life before the advent of its voice assistant, showcasing the convenience and innovation brought by Alexa. This best corporate video highlights the product’s capabilities through comedic scenarios.

The video opens with a series of comedic vignettes set in a time before Amazon’s Alexa was introduced. Each scene depicts everyday tasks and challenges that people face without the help of a voice assistant. From complicated manual searches for information to the chaotic management of household chores, the ad humorously highlights the cumbersome nature of these tasks.

Why It Works:

  • Uses humor to engage and entertain viewers.
  • Clearly demonstrates the product’s capabilities.
  • Highlights the convenience of the product in everyday life.

Burger King – "Moldy Whopper"

The "Moldy Whopper" video from Burger King employs a daring strategy to highlight the company's dedication to doing away with artificial preservatives. This best corporate video example uses striking visuals to convey the message about food quality.

The video opens with an unwrapped Whopper burger placed in a clear, time-lapse setup. Over the course of several weeks, viewers witness the burger undergo natural decomposition, including mold growth and deterioration. The footage is presented in a raw and unfiltered manner, allowing viewers to see the burger’s transformation from a fresh product to a moldy, decayed state.

Why It Works:

  • daring and out of the ordinary, capturing interest and sparking discussion.
  • Clearly communicates the brand’s commitment to food quality.
  • Stands out from typical food advertising, making it memorable.

Uber – "Thank You for Not Riding"

The "Thank You for Not Riding" corporate video example was well-received for its thoughtful and responsible approach during a challenging time. It successfully positioned Uber as a socially responsible company that values the health and well-being of its customers and the community, rather than focusing solely on its business operations. This corporate video example serves as a powerful reminder of how companies can use their platforms to make a positive impact and foster goodwill during crises.

The video opens with a heartfelt message from Uber, thanking its customers for choosing not to use the service during the pandemic to support public health and safety. It features various scenes of Uber drivers and riders, paired with sincere messages about the importance of staying home and reducing the spread of the virus. The tone of the video is reflective and appreciative, emphasizing Uber’s commitment to social responsibility.

Why It Works:

  • Authentic Expression of Corporate Responsibility
  • Emotional and Relatable Storytelling
  • Positive Brand Perception and Goodwill

Squarespace – "Welcome to Winona"

Squarespace’s "Welcome to Winona" corporate video example captivates viewers by combining personal storytelling with a demonstration of its website-building capabilities. Featuring actress Winona Ryder and a picturesque small town, the video creates an emotional connection while showcasing the functionality of Squarespace’s platform in a creative and relatable manner.

"Welcome to Winona" effectively captures viewers’ attention by blending personal storytelling with a showcase of Squarespace’s website-building capabilities. The use of a well-known actress and the charming town setting creates an emotional connection, while the seamless integration of the product demonstrates its functionality in a creative and relatable way. With interesting and tailored content, this strategy not only draws attention to the brand's advantages but also amplifies its attraction.

Why It Works:

  • Engaging Personal Connection
  • Creative Integration of Product Features
  • Visually Appealing Storytelling


In conclusion, the best corporate video examples reflect the diverse ways companies can use video to connect with their audience. Whether through emotional storytelling, humor, or innovative demonstrations, these corporate videos showcase the power of video content in modern marketing and communication strategies. Anidots, with its expertise in creating compelling and visually engaging content, plays a crucial role in producing such impactful corporate videos, demonstrating how creativity and strategic video production can effectively enhance brand messaging and engagement.

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